Monday, February 9, 2015

Banging heads in Bangkok

Busy street in Bangkok.

2 am rolled around, I had just finished writing yesterday's blog and the horror was just a few moments away. Since being in Bangkok this has been our second night at Loftel in a mixed dorm with one other guy in a bunk next to us. The first night he snores a bit and he stopped after maybe 30 minutes which wasn't too bad, but today was a nightmare. He stumbled in around 2 am and as previously mentioned this is where it all went down hill. He laid down in his bed put on his headphones that were connected to his laptop and passed out 5 minutes later. Immediately after he fell asleep the obnoxious snoring commenced, it was constant and super fucking loud. I was bothered but not quite to the extent of Vee, 1 hour passed and it was getting worse so she decided to try and wake him up to let him know he was snoring. She shook him and whispered "hey!" for a good 5 minutes with no luck. It got to a point where she was shaking him so hard and was still failing to wake him that we seriously didn't know what to do next. This obese man Snored like a damn dying pig until 4am, we eventually gave up trying to shut him up and just tried to fall asleep to music on our phones. Surprise, surprise we could hear this horrific noise over the music but thankfully he finally stopped long enough for us to fall asleep around 4:15ish. Although this was a super annoying situation it ended up being pretty funny. Especially when I look up and see Vee's head popping over the edge of the top bunk and I ask her what she's doing, all that she responds is "I'm looking at it!!!", her referring to him as an "it" for some reason was so funny and her fury was priceless.

What made it even better was the fact that when we first got to the hostel this same guy was passed out cold downstairs in the cafe. This cafe is connected to the hostel but it's a public Cafe and here is this useless guy clearly still sitting there from the night before. Every 20 minutes he would wake up and take a sip of his warm beer that he left on the table from his previous drunken night and then fall asleep again, disgusting.

Crossfit Bangkok!

Anyway, dealing with this dude is how our day started and when we woke up around 10:30 am he was still snoring. We got up, got ready and headed out to Bonita Cafe for some awesome vegan grub. When we got there we ordered and then got into a conversation with a guy named Patrick from Germany that was also grabbing a bite. He was super nice and what I call a true vegan like us, we ended up inviting him to come to dinner with us later on at the other vegan restaurant. 

All the fitness and vegan books at Bonita Cafe, love this shit.

After Bonita, we didn't do much other than walk around and went back to the hostel quickly to switch rooms, only to find him still sleeping. We met up with Patrick for dinner at the restaurant and had wicked conversation for a good 2.5 hours. It was great to talk someone who lives the same lifestyle as us and understands where we come from (and he does Crossfit!). 

After dinner we said goodbye to our new German friend, came back to the hostel and now it's time for bed in our new snoreless room.

A bientot,
Janelle Brine

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