Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Great Escape

Massive bowl for 40 Baht or just a little under 2 bucks.

Super duper chilled out day today, we woke up and had huge bowls of fresh fruit along with fruit smoothies for breakfast. After our fruit binge, our cells were all fuelled up to start the day right, we mainly walked aimlessly all day with some breaks in between to shove food in our faces as always. It's quite hard not to look forward to eating while being out here because the food is like treating your mouth to a symphony of amazing tastes every single time. Everything is always fresh and while it's not posted as organic it's definitely much more organically grown than back home, which is always something to feel good about when you're putting nutrients into your body. It's happened to me a few time over the last 4 or so years of eating organic that people will tell me that it either doesn't actually matter or that they can't afford it therefore they buy conventionally grown foods. News flash! It does matter and much more than you think, even if you're buying the mass produced version of an organically grown apple for example, that company still had to abide by more regulations than the others. The best way to go about anything when it comes to food is to buy as organic, spray-free and local as possible, period.

Thumbs up to all the great vegan restaurants in Chiang Mai.

This whole trip we've basically been on food search more than anything else, it's seems like everything we do is only to kill time in between meals and often I catch myself thinking about my next meal before I'm done eating my current meal (Obsession, I'm telling you!). I guess I could be addicted to worst things than healthy vegan foods, I don't do drugs, I don't party and I haven't drank a single drop of alcohol since leaving Canada. Someone a few weeks back had asked me why I wasn't drinking and while I don't remember what my answer was I do remember thinking about it further later on. I told Vee that I truly think that we drink more back home because we're bored and there isn't much to do, but here it's completely the contrary, were far from being bored and there's so much to stay occupied with.

Ross and his new bestie.

Anyway after inhaling a massive salad for lunch we walked around some more and ended up getting myself a murse (man purse) along the way. We were just killing time until we had to go to the Chiang Mai Airport to meet Jay, Ross, Marleigh and Lucille which were flying in from Bangkok. They weren't expecting to see us because we had told them we would see them at the hostel but we figured it be nice to surprise them at the airport. Once they walked through the arrival doors and the hug fest ended we all grabbed a taxi back to town, everyone was quite hungry so we all agreed on going to Bamboo Bee vegetarian restaurant for dinner. The food was amazing as always, I had something new which was a pumpkin curry and I loved it! Vee had the most amazing pad Thai yet while Jay and Mar scarfed down some veggie burgers, Ross and Lucille also enjoy some delicious curries. After dinner we walked back to the hostel, only Jay is staying at the same place as us and the rest are staying at Mar's friends house somewhere a bit out of town. They grabbed a taxi to the friend's house and we headed upstairs to relax and go to bed, that's all for today folks! Coming up tomorrow... Watching Jay go through his culture shock, yay! It's going to be quite the difference from -40 in winterpeg to +37 here, I guess all the Canadians wanted to escape the cold this winter, amen to that!

A bientot,
Janelle Brine

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