Tuesday, February 3, 2015

YOLO muhhfuckahsss

I was reading a random blog today while we were laying around bored and it affirmed a few things for me. The blog is called "Goats on the road" and it's this couple from Canada that went traveling in 2008 and haven't returned home yet accept in 2009. In 2009 they went back to Canada to save money to go traveling some more and since they've left again in 2009 they've visited 45 countries and counting. While they're traveling they make money through their blog and YouTube Chanel along with teaching English. They've identified what they're doing as what has turned from traveling to what they consider a lifestyle. I think that what they're doing is so different but also exactly what a lot of people wish they could do with their own lives. Only difference between them here is the fact that this couple just quit their jobs, sold all their stuff and just went for it instead of staying in the wishing state of mind. This wishing state of mind is holding back so many people in the world, I'd say probably 98% of people I personally know is stuck here and most likely always will. 

I always kind of knew I wanted more out of life than what most people seemed to thrive for. I was the person who wanted to be a professional athlete while everyone else wanted to be doctors and fireman, I was the person who had no desire of of going to school 2 seconds after finishing school, I'm the person who chooses to have less things so I can work part time and have more time to myself. I've previously had people ask me why I always "try" to be different, news flash peeps, I'm not actually going out of my way to be different I just am who I am and it just so happens that my way is a bit alternative.

The cookie cutter way to me is so boring and lifeless, it's the biggest fun sponge ever and this is why I stay far away from it, my life goal is to not get sucked into what's considered "normal" way of life. The way I see it is that there's a reason why more people are bored and unhappy, and it's because they follow the pack and never try to leave it to experience new and exciting things. Life is about so much more than what society wants you to know, it wants to brain wash you into complete denial so that you never truly discover yourself or anything outside of the box. 

Get out there and see the world, I used to make fun of the "YOLO" saying that all the teenagers are using nowadays but honestly  it's the damn truth you really do only live once and you should live as such. You don't have time to waste, leave the shenanigans behind and go find yourself. I can guarantee that you don't even know half the things about yourself and you won't until you've gone beyond your comfort zone and you've faced your fears. Money will always be there as well as materialistic things, you'll always be able to buy more shit, but you can't buy unforgettable moment and experiences, they're called priceless for a reason. What's the point of having all that crap that you have? Why not sell it and take that dream trip you've been wishing for, for the last 5 years. As. Heresy as it may be, life is ACTUALLY too short and now your time so take it into your own hands and do EXACTLY what you want to do and do it for yourself and no one else. 

OK, so with all that said, we literally did absolutely nothing today so I'll leave it at that for now! 

A bientot,
Janelle Brine

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