Saturday, April 11, 2015

Soul Search

As we sit at our fave vegetarian Indian restaurant for lunch, we got on the topic of personal physical/mental likes and dislikes along with what we planned to do about them and our goals. 

At first, and most of the time I will be the only one to ask Vee questions and I'll spend our whole conversations concentrating on helping her with wtv she may need support with. But this time, once she was done telling me and writing down her goals etc, she caught me off guard by saying "Ok, your turn!". 

I paused for a second and almost felt scared, simply because I had no clue what was going to come of this mini soul searching session we were having. Like Vee I wrote everything down and then read it to her. It felt weird almost, I had never really written anything like this down, I mean I talk to myself in my own head about this stuff quite often but I had never really said it out loud. 

It was a good thing for me to express these things to the person who supports me the most in this world (apart from my amazing parents of course!). She sat there and just listened, which is exactly what I needed, I needed the last 10 minutes to just talk about what I had written down. Strangely enough the answers on paper to these questions, differed from the ones in my head, why?...

I'm not entirely sure but I do know that beyond what I thought in my mind, this was the truth behind what I wanted and needed to do to feel whole. Over the years I've helped a lot of people find and achieve some of their goals and it's very rewarding to see someone awaken and succeed. Especially when they didn't think they could do something, then did it with flying colours. 

I'm not saying I'm some kind of guru, by any means, but I do enjoy and believe that I'm a decent motivator. All this time I had been so caught up with trying to help others but never took the time to stop and have a look into what was going on with ME. I will say that this past year has knocked me down and risen me up to measures that I never even knew were possible, and through the ups and downs I have grown more than I can explain to you in words.

Goals like tanning gainz... Ha!

Why set goals? You might say. Well I say do it because having something to work towards or look forward to is an awesome way to keep you motivated and true to what you believe in. Try new things, meet as many new people as you can and always be true to yourself and others around you. Stay away from negativity and surround yourself with kind and loving people. 

Choose experience over money, material and drama.

A bientot,
Janelle Brine

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