Saturday, January 17, 2015

Ballin' Batu

Hello world! 
I had a good feeling about today from the start, I knew that what we were about to experience was going to be nothing short of spectacular. 
When we woke up, ideally fruit would've been the best but peanut butter toast had to do this am. Around 10 am we headed out on our adventure, the plan today was to go to the Batu Caves for the majority of the morning and mid day. 

We had with us our new Canadian friend from the hostel, his name is Jesse, he's from Vancouver and is traveling from Singapore to Chiangmai in Thailand all on his steel frame bicycle. So fucking rad, this kid is too cool for words. While walking towards the entrance of the caves one of Jesse's friends was just leaving and warned us that he thought there wasn't much to see. Temporarily slightly disappointed, this feeling didn't last more than 2 minutes, once at the entrance with a view of the 272 steps up to the caves our disappointment vanished.

At the bottom of the stairs we looked up and got super excited because we spotted so many monkey so we all took our first step and got stopped. Apparently our shorts were too short therefore, we had to get these scarf looking things wrapped around our waists to be allowed up. All wrapped up and ready to go, we started climbing! The climb was so much fun from getting some exercise to seeing monkey stealing bags or full tins of Pringles from humans. So funny:)

At the top of the stairs we finally were able to see the beauty of these caves, they were larger than life and something we had never seen before that's for sure. Walking through and stopping to look at the natural beauty around us (and the monkeys of course) we were in awe and took loads of pictures, soaked it in and headed back down the stairs. I have to mention it one last time because none of us had ever been that close to a monkey but we were so amused by their craziness and they were nice when you fed them but otherwise they hissed at you. Either way it was awesome, I love this shit and it was definately the best thing I saw so far this trip.

Once we got back not much excitement happened, Vee and I went to do the laundry while Mar and Jesse went to central market, then we all met back up at the hostel. Out of nowhere, within seconds it started storming outside but when it slowed down we went for dinner, came back and went to bed. Big day tomorrow, we are traveling to the Cameron Highlands which is our next stop for a few days before going to Penang, Malaysia.

A bientot,
Janelle Brine

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