Coming into Thailand I knew that our money was worth quite a bit more here but it wasn't until yesterday did I realize how lucky we are in Canada. So we asked one of the workers here at the resort some questions about his job because we noticed that he works like all day. He told us that he works 12 hour shifts every single day and he's on a salary and gets 8500 baht per month which is like 325 Canadian dollars. It made me see why a lot of foreigners come to North America to work and send money back to their families. I gotta say we have it pretty darn good in most ways compared to these countries, but there are also a lot of things I've noticed here that is better than Canada. I love the simplicity of things here and how they just do with what they have and don't question it or anything because it's all that they know.
I've noticed that it's very rare to see super markets because everyone gets all their food from stalls instead of getting it from big companies like we do. They support the locals by default it seems and if only North Americans would shop more local or grow their own food, the world would be a different place. At first I was annoyed when the hawkers or whoever would ask and bug me to buy wtv they were selling. But now I realize that that's their job and they have to try and sell as much as they can because what they make each day is what's going to take care of them and or their families.
It's already been quite the experience out here and I was warned before we left that it would change me forever and I can see why now. I truly believe that everyone should experience this at least once in their lives because it's amazing and I wouldn't trade it for the world. So no matter where you are in your life or how old or young you are, if you haven't back packed or done something close to it you have to! People seriously need to learn how to let go and just live. I find that people are so caught up in trying to fit into this mold that society has set out for them. Life is so much bigger than that mold, life can literally be anything you want it to be. The only shitty thing about life is the fact that it's not long enough and that there are too many things to do to be able to do them all.
Ok that's enough ranting for today. Vee and I are off to Krabi in the morning! Goodnight from Thailand!
A bientot,
Janelle Brine
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