Friday, January 16, 2015

(Ma)laying around

Pretty chill day today, we didn't get up to much but still saw some sweet stuff. We woke up a bit later than planned mainly because there's no window in our room and is completely dark and we didn't think to set an alarm. When we finally got up and going we had a solid fruit breakie and tried to figure out our day along with our next stop in Malaysia. 

After laying around for a while we decided we better go see stuff before it's too late. We took a free transit bus (free, weird I know right?) to central market where there's a lot of random little stalls selling knock offs of everything you could ever think of, from raybans to beats headphones. We walked up and down this market for about an hour then ate and headed back to home base. 

More laying around happened, this is almost unintentional it's just nice to chill and do absolutely nothing sometimes and just knowing you're in another country makes it that much more enjoyable. No stress and living the simple life, this is exactly what life is all about; embrace simplicity. With laying around comes too much comfort sometimes therefore, we all passed right the fuck out for a few hours.

Once we woke up it was about 8pm and we had plans to go see the famous Petronas Towers after dark since they're all lit up at night. These are huge twin towers and I believe they're the biggest now that the ones in NY are no longer. They were spectacular and so beautiful especially lit up. While taking pictures we met a man named Maher, he is a student here however is originally from Dubai area I believe. We somehow got on the topic of weather and we mentioned how hot and sweaty we constantly are  here and he was telling us how this is on the cooler side for him because where he's from it can get up to +50.
We were explaining to him that in some places in Canada that it gets down to -50 sometimes and his mind was blown, which his reply to this was: it's cold like a fridge!? Haha I got a good kick out of that one. 

Only other thing worth mentioning today is that I'm definitely getting use to hearing two things when were out and about. One, hey miss I like your hair! And two, nice tattoo! I'd say every 5th person says either of those lines, could be worse right? :) oh and i didn't get a selfie stick yet, don't worry guys.

A bientot,
Janelle Brine


  1. The market kind of looks like a Chinatown, lol. Love the twin towers pic.

  2. thats awesome ladies :) enjoy xxoo
