Wednesday, January 21, 2015

King of the hill

I'm soooooo damn sticky... All the time. Its so hot here that when I shower I'm sticky again before I even have time to get dressed. But I guess at the end of the day I'd rather be in warmth than in cold Canada, so I'll suck it up HA! Since being here I've really enjoyed only having a few options of clothing to choose from, it makes life so easy and efficient (Vee on the other hand, she's annoyed and want more clothes to choose from). 

Think about it though, why do we have to have a different outfit every day of the week back home but here it's the norm to wear the same one a few or more days in a row? Why does society make us feel like we need so much clothes and so much variety, ever thought of spending your money on something a bit more important? Maybe spend it on fresh high quality organic food instead? I don't know but I had a bit of an epiphany about a year ago and realized that I had way too much shit that I didn't need. I started getting rid of and stopped buying things I didn't need from then on.

It's such a vicious cycle that most of the world runs on. Work to buy things, get stuff you can't actually afford then go work some more to be able to afford those things. It's to the point where people are getting so burnt and stressed out because they're living paycheck to paycheck. GET RID OF SOME STUFF, people literally don't need 3/4 of the stuff they have and most people own maybe half of their things and are making payments on the rest of it. I will say this again and again...simplify your life, go back packing if you haven't already and see how you can easily live out of a bag for an extended amount of time. 

Ok enough about that for now! So today was our first full day in Penang and I'd say it was a pretty successful one! We woke up before everyone and headed out to grab some juice, we decided to only have juice and fruit until dinner today. We went to a little cafe that made us some fresh juice then we got the best and sweetest mangoes yet, perfect breakie! When we were walking down this one street there was loads of little stalls with different foods or nic nacs. At about three of these stalls in a row they were chopping raw meat on a news paper on the ground, soaking it in water buckets and slapping it on their table for people to buy. I already don't like to see meat period, but this was just overboard and plain unsanitary. There was chicken feet and fish heads everywhere, to say the least it was absolutely disgusting.

After that nightmare we went back to the hostel to meet the others so we could go find some street art that Penang is known for.

We founds so much and it was a great stroll around town. After that we commuted out to Penang Hill where we took a cable car to the top. Once at the top we saw some temples and a great view of the whole city.

After we got back down we all went to dinner at an Indian restaurant (of course) called Kapitan and had some solid food to fill our empty bellies. Pooped from the day and it's time for bed! So good night. Ox

A bientot,
Janelle Brine

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