Tuesday, January 20, 2015


This morning we got up from another awesome sleep in our temporary queen size bed and got ready to go get breakie before our departure out of Cameron Highlands. We ended up at the same curry house that we had dinner at, the night before to grab some fresh juice. Unfortunately this was the extent of our breakfast by cause of the slim pickings here in CH. I will admit that it has been a bit difficult to get the right food since we've been in Southeast Asia. It isn't so much that it's hard for restaurants to cater to our vegan lifestyle, it's more that they're having a hard time either understanding why we don't want animal products or understanding what we mean at all. I guess it's somewhat of a foreign thing for someone to not want meat, egg or dairy in their meals when most here are loaded with all of the above. 
Especially Chinese food, every single dish has animal products but we've come to realize that Indian food is easily made vegan or is already by default. I'm looking forward to Thailand where there is more of an abundance of fruit and also Thai food is my favourite so hopefully they will be able to cater to us.  

Sometimes I can see it in people's eyes that they're thinking about how either they could never or would never go vegan because it's too hard and annoying or that they just don't get why I do it. I wish people would ask more questions because then I would be able to educate them a bit more on my lifestyle. I've definitely learnt to not say much unless the person asks, so that they don't get offended or think that I'm trying to make them feel bad or lesser than me for eating meat. I've just come to realize that most people really just don't understand why I choose to live like I do, it's much deeper than most would think, it's not just about what I eat. 
It's about health, love and compassion for myself, the people around me and for all living sentient beings. "But Janelle, plants are alive so you're technically killing them when you eat them" well actually no because plants aren't sentient beings, meaning that they do not feel pain and or have emotions therefore, I'm not harming anyone or anything by eating them. Mother Nature has provided us with the most perfect food and it is so beautiful in its simplicity, nothing has ever been so easy. You want to live a long, vibrant and healthy life? Eat more plants!

Anywayyyyyyyyy!!! Back at the ranch. We left Cameron Highlands around 9 am and headed to Penang which was about a 4.5 hour bus ride.

The cool kids sit in the back of the bus.

Heading to Pee-nang we stopped along the way for a pee break where I used my first "squatter" toilet... Verdict, it wasn't so bad haha. All I can think is how lucky I am that squatting is easy for me but I can only imagine how hard it might be for certain people... Meh! Who knows, all I need to wore about is not missing the bowl! 

Once we got to Penang we trekked to our hostel and paid up for two nights at the Reggae Mansion. This hostel definately had the best beds yet, I feel like a kid again sleeping in our own little pod. It's just like the castles I used to build out of blankets and chairs when I was just a wee one. 
Sleeping beauty in the pod!

After settling in at the hostel we showered and headed out for dinner with Charlotte and Sophie, our new British friends (is it just me or is everything funnier in a British accent?). Following dinner we came back and was informed that today is ladies night and that free drinks are available from 6-11pm sooooo the girls decided they better take advantage of this offer. 

Reggae Mansion Hostel

Once the girls had a few free drinks, we decide to change locations and ended up at a bar that indicated on the chalk board outside "Buy 2 Mojitos get 1 free" so naturally a big group of girls (ohh and Ross our other new British friend) migrated to this offer. We talked to the owner for a minute then asked for some Mojitos and with absolute honesty he informed us that he didn't know how to make one........ (I know.. Wth right?). Charlotte ended up being allowed to go behind the bar and fix everyone a proper Mojito ha! Then me and Marleigh had a handstand off (that she won) in the middle of the street, which got the table a few free drinks, I guess they like handstands lol. 

Cool street art, all over town.

That was all for today we are in our private cave and going to bed, so goodnight!

A bientot,
Janelle Brine

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